Kanazawa / Ishikawa Prefecture

Kanazawa is the most popular destination for visitors to Ishikawa.
It boasts a wonderful range of traditional gardens and architecture, as well as a variety of shops and museums.
Here are some of the highlights.
Kanazawa City is the capital of Ishikawa prefecture and located in the northwest area faces the Sea of Japan. Kenroku Garden and Kanazawa castle are the symbol of the city, which is well-know as castle town. You can still find many traditional / historical houses, handicrafts and performing arts etc.
The town is also called small Kyoto.

Kenrokuen Garden
Originally built in 1676, Kenrokuen Garden is considered by many to be one of the most beautiful gardens in Japan. The result of 170 years of painstaking construction, itfs stunning Edo era style has been preserved to this day.
"Kenrokuen" is a reference to the six harmonious components which comprise it, namely: spaciousness, tranquility, artificial, antiquity (heritage), water fountains and some majestic mountain views.
Kanazawa Castle Park Ishikawa-mon Gate
Rising above Kenrokuen Garden, the Ishikawa-mon Gate symbolizes the castle town of Kanazawa and stands as an impressive testament to the regionfs rich and prosperous history.

From Tokyo

Tokyo Station → (JR Shinkansen "Kagayaki" : about 150 minutes / 14,320yen) → Kanazawa Station
From Osaka
By train [Approx. 160 minutes / 7,130yen]
Osaka Station → (JR West Ltd. Exp. "Thunderbird" : about 160 minutes / 4,750yen + Express ticket 2,380yen) → Kanazawa Station
From Nagoya]
By train [Approx. 180 minutes / 6,620yen]
Nagoya Station → (JR West Ltd. Exp. "Shirasagi" : about 180 minutes / 4,310yen + Express ticket 2,310yen) → Kanazawa Station